Lost both 100% Delirious T16 4x sext Canyon and a Simulacrum because of servers crash.
Tag: impale
IMPALE CHAMPION Path of Exile BUILD. Make your own! Blade Flurry/Cyclone/Cleave/Bladestorm
Impale DH Fire vs. Cold vs. Lightning vs. Physical.. what is better? ANY and NONE!
So this is a follow up video to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBxDYwbkKFw
Could not expect a special NERF applied over a year and a half ago by Blizzard, specifically for Impale and 6pc bonus.
Impale DH Fire vs. Cold vs. Lightning vs. Physical.. what is better? Demon Hunter Comparison
As i progressed deeper in grifts with Impale i started thinking about further improving the damage or mitigation. And came up with a few ideas and thoughts concerning other Impale runes, especially physical and fire rune. It looks like Physical has most potential for damage out there!