Kinetic Blast has been nerfed twice. First time in 3.4 when it got less area
damage and explosions were changed to prevent shotgunning near walls. And then in 3.7 when abyssal jewels were all lowered down by at least 30%.
So what’s the state of KB Wanders now? I must say i devled quite deep into the build to answer the question. And the short answer is: still viable. Still doing the job. Still expensive. Still needs barrage for Uber Elder. Still ridiculous aoe which one shots everything offscreen, still insanely fun!
The goal of the build was to create a TANKY, HIGH dps character capable to do ALL content, and not just silly currency farming. The basic goal was to achieve at least 1 million shaper dps on KB, but eventually i surpassed it and now sitting on 2 millions KB dps as well as almost 5 million for Barrage.