LOREWEAVE Unique Armour Recipe in Path of Exile 3.2 (Bestiary League)

Hello everyone! Finally managed to get enough rings for the new unique Loreweave armour recipe added in 3.2. If you have no clue what’s it all about – check the video please!
It’s also pretty sad as i salvaged like 60 rings few days before the recipe was added to the game lol

Path of Exile 3.2 Bestiary League: The WORST LEAGUE ever?

Hello guys! I am geeting a little better day after day so wanted to record a quick video and share my thoughts on the Bestiary League and why i think it’s the most boring one in a looong loong time.

SPECTRAL SHIELD THROW DEADEYE Build for Path of Exile 3.2 (Bestiary League)

SPECTRAL SHIELD THROW DEADEYE Build for Path of Exile 3.2 (Bestiary League)

Path of Exile 3.2 FULL Patch Notes: ONLY IMPORTANT STUFF! (Bestiary League)

Official Patch Notes are there guys!
Let’s take a look at the most important things.Don’t worry, i won’t read everything and bore you to death. Just some very interesting and some NEW things that i’ve discovered.

Path of Exile 3.2: ALL 19 ASCENDANCIES OVERVIEW! (Bestiary League)

Hey guys!
I’ve been waiting for all Ascendancy changes to be revealed so that i could review them all at once. Here we go.
Tried to be “on the spot” for the most important changes instead of spilling water left and right and blabbering for hours (like some other dudes :D)