Whirlwind Barbarian: ISTVAN’s vs. BUL-KATHOS’s.. which is better? Diablo 3 (2.6.1)

I had this video done during the PTR but totally forgot about it.
Bul-Kathos swords were buffed, so…. might be a potential return into WW meta build or Istvan’s still good enough? Let’s go into details here and uncover the truth!

Both builds here:

Bul-Kathos’s WHIRLWIND V2.0 GR100+

Istvan’s WHIRLWIND GR100+

GR110 in ~10 min as zBARB in Season 12 Diablo 3 (2.6.1)

It was recorded the same time as we did 100s. Just decided to see how high can a SPEED party push us?

S12 IK HOTA GR101 CLEAR (Rank 96) 1,8m damage. Diablo 3 (2.6.1)

OK guys, looks like i am done for now. Same gear and same 1,8m damage with just 5 augments. Just higher rift this time 😀
I also dropped Aquila for Magefist and using BOtP here instead of PE.

S12 IK HOTA GR100 CLEAR (Rank 180) 1,8m damage. Diablo 3 (2.6.1)

So GR100 done with same gear and just 5 augments. As usual, just needed a decent rift. Partially done with season, but i think i can squeeze an extra grift or two, before i quit!